Week 5 Reading Diary A: Shurpanakha We Meet Again
This is a Reading Diary that details my thoughts from pages 110-116 of the Ramayana retold by William Buck.
- I guess if you were going to have your kingdom wrongfully taken away from you, Bharata is the best person to receive it.
- Aren't these people alive for like 60,000+ years? 14 years of exile seems pretty short..
- Dantes was imprisoned for 14 years in The Count of Monte Cristo. Ironic.
- Ooooh. A warning about the dangerous demon Ravana. Foreshadowing…
- Is Sita just there to get abducted?
- A main difference between these two tales are the demons. There are a lot more demon stories in this version.
- I can't stand Shurpanakha.
- I didn't like Shurpanakha in the earlier version, and this part of the epic is basically the same. So I still don't like her.

Rama Spurns The Demon Lover from Wikipedia.)
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