I got to take a much needed study break last night because my parents came in town and we celebrated my dad's birthday. They also came up to attend my sorority's event, Red Dress Gala, which is a fundraiser for women's heart health. This is an event where we sell tickets to the gala and have a silent and live auction to raise money for the American Heart Association. My parents bought my tickets even though the date fell on my dad's birthday. It was awesome to spend time with my parents while benefiting an awesome cause!
(Personal Photo taken at Red Dress Gala.)
Also, I got some presents from my parents because my 21st birthday is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! (And yes my dad's and my birthdays are two days apart.) I'm completely ecstatic if you can't tell. The only thing raining on my parade is a 10 page paper and presentation due on Tuesday. Oh and it's going to be a high of 25 degrees on my birthday. If you know me, you know I cannot stand the cold. The silver lining is that there's a possibility of Oklahoma weather bringing snow and possibly the best present ever of a school cancelation.
This craziness is part of the reason why I'm a little behind in this class. I didn't write a storytelling assignment this week but I hope to complete the second story of my project today! This week has been eventful to say the least.
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