- This story begins where the other story ended.
- Valmiki becomes the first poet ever because of his outrage when a hunter kills a bird.
- Buck tells the story of Rama in a very unique way. The other story cut out the ending where Rama exiles Sita because the author wanted to leave it on a happier ending. However in Buck's retelling he opens with the sad ending and uses the lost sons to sing Rama's origin.
- There is an awful lot of description over how abnormal all of Dasharatha's sons look.
- Many parts that were not touched on in Narayan's Ramayana are being told here. For instance, Ravana destroying parts of heaven and the gods discovering they need a human to destroy Ravana. It also gives more details on the birth of Ravana.
- This version really sets up Ravana as the villain instead of him just coming out of nowhere at the end and stealing Sita.
- Why does Buck go into SO much more detail but decides to cut out Thataka?
- Honestly now that I know what is going to happen, I just feel bad for Sita. She basically HAS to marry him, then go into exile with him, be kidnapped because of him, be rejected by him and then be re-exiled again. Her life sucks.
("Hermitage of Valmiki" from Wikipedia.)
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